Another month flown by.
Oh, how the time flies. If I had a dollar for every time I've said that in my life I am sure I would now have one million of them at least. But it is true. So many things to do in and with, life that sometimes we pass over what is not so urgent or demanding for the more trivial. Not that pruning a fruit tree is trivial or connecting with friends is trivial yet somehow this only serves to delay the things that are most important to our inner self. There lies the difference. Daily life demands us to start and complete the outer things, the concrete things that make life comfortable or survivable, the physical things that reveal a result fairly quickly and so make us feel satisfied. Yet, it is our inner needs, the ones we neglect far too often, that sustains as as human beings. Creativity, whether forming words to create a story, or using oils to paint a picture, or whatever form it takes, supplies the inner energy and balance we all certainly need. This is what gives the balance to the trinity: body, mind and soul, whatever you understand from the word, soul.
Often it is good to sit down and contemplate on what is truly important and how to spread the balance around. Is cleaning my house, eating breakfast, hanging out washing, necessary? Of course it can be and yet the impulse to write burns within me so strongly that i have to do it. And yet, this is what I do after I have finished the physically demanding jobs around the house and garden, when I consider I have the time to invest in what is not a well paid job but an instinctive desire to share stories.
Ah,if only I had the million dollars to spare. Would I pay someone to do the trivial stuff and just sit and write? Who can tell. Maybe I have brainwashed myself for to long to change now.

Perhaps the idea of a writer,or artist,living in an ivory tower,separate form the rest of humanity is the only way to go!