Tuesday, 26 November 2019


It is soon to be yet another Christmas celebration and all manner of words are floating about in commercial advertisements and marketing,  by both supermarket,online businesses and churches and yet,few speak the words of the compassion and remembrance of self sacrifice that surely a religious celebration of this manner should discuss. I confess (a word associated very much with one brand of religion) that I do not belong to any religion and in many respects find many words and actions of the mainstream religions offensive. As for Creationism, I find that sinister and foolish when science has answered most questions concerning how we humans came to be. Evolution is an irrefutable fact. I recently watched one of those fabulous TV shows, narrated by David Attenborough, (who else) and once more noted how one particular species of chimpanzee were behaving and my words to my co watcher were "you can see how and why we (humans) are only 5per cent apart from these animals. " There was both good behaviour and not so nice behaviour, which applies to most creatures,us included. The big difference being language of course. While most animals have some way of communicating it is only us who use words in every day situations, everyday of our lives, with yes, a few exceptions. And this is where the special words come in. Do people use words of friendship and kindness in sufficient quantity to ever make the "Peace on earth Christmas  slogan ever come true? Sure we all send off the words in our cards, or with our online images. or even in words spoken across phones and ipads. Do we mean them? Do we do anything to enact the possibility of peace on earth for all? Therein lies the rub. Words can come cheap. $2 cards. Cheap online messages. Even cheap phone calls (overseas ones) if we pick our times. 

😍s a writer of stories I often wonder if I take more care of the fictional characters I create than the people around me,. Not those close to me, for their continual presence determines the special words required. I mean those I see only occasionally, those I pass in the street shopping, those I see huddled against walls, those in stress in various situations, crying children, mourning elderly, bewildered middle aged and confused youth, all  no doubt longing for a few special words to be cast their way. So  this holiday we must not just speak the word peace, we must do something to bring it about.   😇😇😇😇😇😇😇