Sunday, 12 May 2019


 Those three words are from a great song from a few decades ago but they are still relevant to a few of us today when it comes to technology. The changes Google informs as having made mean absolutely nothing to me. It's all in the language of course and new languages can be difficult to learn.
I was reminded of this recently after visiting a couple of refugees to assist in teaching them English. They are enthusiastic and try really hard to learn the correct use of the language. Yet here am I, a native English speaker, not able to fully comprehend what technology giants are telling me is changing in their applications and/or software. My English speaking passenger laughed a little at my frustration about this but then made the announcement "It's ok left, so go right." Such a simple statement which most of us would immediately understand but from the point of view of a person whose English is the second, third or fourth language, how bewildering would that command be? 
We are all prone to misunderstandings and more so with the advent of texting. Somehow the subtlety and depth of meaning is rarely transmitted in the brief messages sent via such technologically advanced portals. Even emails often lose the  ideas and feeling behind a sentence. Worse they are often misunderstood. Maybe humans will never return to 'live' letter writing and sadly 'face to face' conversations seem to be growing less in time taken and subject matters discussed but I hope I am wrong. 
Long may the word reign, whether in print form, in verbal communication or via the various forms of technology. This is, after all, what makes us human. 

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