Friday, 16 August 2019


Here I am again...later than I wanted to be...under pressure from the clock....well more the pressure from myself ...always busy doing something..usually something worthwhile, like writing or reading or making up stories in my head.  and yet...not getting down to writing on my Blog is a bit naughty. Any followers I do have might be waiting my next pitch...but today all I can say is that after recently  writing a short play, THE LAST PARTY, which is soon to be staged and beginning to plan the production of my full length play, SOFT MURDER, early next year and having just sent off my latest novel, VAGUELY INDECENT,  for an editor to peruse, my brain is swimming in ideas and thoughts, all jumbled. I need a few days/weeks to calm it down so that it can once more gain that evenness so required to write objectively, even if poetically. I think the right word is meditation. Although the word may be simple the doing of it is less so. To become in a state of meditation requires effort, which sounds counter productive. The word effort is one repeatedly blasted my way, whether by myself.."Get down to writing another Blog!". Or the Osteopath.."Do more physical exercise to improve that back and neck of yours". Or the publishers...."Write a synopsis according to the guidelines please!" Or my stomach....."I need something to eat!" Each and every one of these needs effort. Yet, to lie down and think of nothing at all is the hardest thing ever. To empty the mind, to relax totally the body, that is pressure!  I will try.

Maybe my next a few weeks, will be wonderfully calming and will reveal how I did empty my mind...Interesting to see what pops up after the emptying.
Any comments on how and why and what, with reference to meditation, is most welcome.
Ah, happy days.

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