Saturday, 28 December 2019
WHAT DO I SAY? A frequent enough question. Context is all of course.
Listening to people wishing others a 'Happy Xmas' and reading endless variations on cards and posters and gift tags, it makes me wonder if any word can become meaningless if uttered enough times. Think of commercial advertising or the spin from politicians around the world., much of which is lately classified, quite rightly, as lies. Does repetition change a meaning or simply cover it up with such a generality that it becomes almost banal?
When wishes are given with sincerity they are meaningful but how many "Have a good day's" do we have to endure as being commercial spin that has absolutely no true sincerity at all. The persons using the phrase are, I expect, sincere in wishing to remain employed and so spout whatever is required of them. Out of pomposity or compassion I often make a point of entering into a meaningful conversation with the checkout person, or staff in any environment, just to give them a few more words to savour and to speak words other than those dictated by either conformity or necessity. This can happen while bags are being packed and need only last a few moments but it is truly satisfying to see at least a modicum of pleasure from the participants in the two way exchange of words.
So, do I mean what I say when I talk in this friendly manner to virtual strangers? Definitely, yes. Do they in turn smile with frankness? Almost every time I would say, yes. The corners of mouths lift in a way different to when the "And how are you today?' or "Have a good day" spin words are asked.
So to anyone reading this blog I sincerely wish you a year filled with contentment and good health. A year where contemplation can be slipped in with a busy life and words are used meaningfully,no matter what the context. And may you buy as many books as you can afford, mine included, please.
I would also like to encourage readers to fill in their email address so they receive my few words on a fairly regular basis in their inbox. Or please do make comments. My blogs are pretty philosophical but they really do require comments, a two way conversation, an exchange of words. So, I look forward to more of that in 2020.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
It is soon to be yet another Christmas celebration and all manner of words are floating about in commercial advertisements and marketing, by both supermarket,online businesses and churches and yet,few speak the words of the compassion and remembrance of self sacrifice that surely a religious celebration of this manner should discuss. I confess (a word associated very much with one brand of religion) that I do not belong to any religion and in many respects find many words and actions of the mainstream religions offensive. As for Creationism, I find that sinister and foolish when science has answered most questions concerning how we humans came to be. Evolution is an irrefutable fact. I recently watched one of those fabulous TV shows, narrated by David Attenborough, (who else) and once more noted how one particular species of chimpanzee were behaving and my words to my co watcher were "you can see how and why we (humans) are only 5per cent apart from these animals. " There was both good behaviour and not so nice behaviour, which applies to most creatures,us included. The big difference being language of course. While most animals have some way of communicating it is only us who use words in every day situations, everyday of our lives, with yes, a few exceptions. And this is where the special words come in. Do people use words of friendship and kindness in sufficient quantity to ever make the "Peace on earth Christmas slogan ever come true? Sure we all send off the words in our cards, or with our online images. or even in words spoken across phones and ipads. Do we mean them? Do we do anything to enact the possibility of peace on earth for all? Therein lies the rub. Words can come cheap. $2 cards. Cheap online messages. Even cheap phone calls (overseas ones) if we pick our times.
😍s a writer of stories I often wonder if I take more care of the fictional characters I create than the people around me,. Not those close to me, for their continual presence determines the special words required. I mean those I see only occasionally, those I pass in the street shopping, those I see huddled against walls, those in stress in various situations, crying children, mourning elderly, bewildered middle aged and confused youth, all no doubt longing for a few special words to be cast their way. So this holiday we must not just speak the word peace, we must do something to bring it about. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Monday, 21 October 2019
There are no words to express the annoyance at myself for the difference between how often I intend to write a blog and how often I actually do! I am, therefore, writing this time in a larger font than usual, to make the point that large or small, words are all I have to express the way I feel. Or, in fact, how anyone feels when it is transferred via a screen or a paper back. And this is why writers of all genres and persuasions often struggle when writing emotions and thoughts for a character who is so different to themselves. I know I certainly do struggle, well perhaps struggle is too strong a word. I do work very hard at it. I listen and look and learn about other people every day of my life. I do my best to understand and experience is certainly the best teacher,whether first or second hand. To step into the shoes of another person is the ultimate way to comprehend them. To go through what they do, to see how they survive in the world is a good lesson in how we all differ, even if fundamentally being similar, if not the same. Then, once understanding occurs, writing about it is that much easier.
There has been much debate, often heated, about who can write about whom and whether there are some people's experiences and reactions to them, that cannot or should not be written about by someone. I disagree. A writer, whether a journalist or a writer of fiction, must have the freedom to write about anything and anyone. That is true freedom of speech. It does not matter whether it is about race, gender, a belief system, culture or specific behaviours. The pursuit of and exposure of a trait is a fundamental democratic right.
Of course, it is HOW the writing is done that has its obligations and responsibilities. Of course, there must be honesty and integrity and a sensitivity to a belief system but there should not be any prescriptive no-go areas. If there are, we into the realms of 1984 and, indeed, Animal Farm. So, of course, excellent research is an absolute necessity in discovering what makes another person tick before the first word is written. And I have run out of space for more words, although I have many other words to offer!😉
Friday, 16 August 2019
Here I am again...later than I wanted to be...under pressure from the clock....well more the pressure from myself ...always busy doing something..usually something worthwhile, like writing or reading or making up stories in my head. and yet...not getting down to writing on my Blog is a bit naughty. Any followers I do have might be waiting my next pitch...but today all I can say is that after recently writing a short play, THE LAST PARTY, which is soon to be staged and beginning to plan the production of my full length play, SOFT MURDER, early next year and having just sent off my latest novel, VAGUELY INDECENT, for an editor to peruse, my brain is swimming in ideas and thoughts, all jumbled. I need a few days/weeks to calm it down so that it can once more gain that evenness so required to write objectively, even if poetically. I think the right word is meditation. Although the word may be simple the doing of it is less so. To become in a state of meditation requires effort, which sounds counter productive. The word effort is one repeatedly blasted my way, whether by myself.."Get down to writing another Blog!". Or the Osteopath.."Do more physical exercise to improve that back and neck of yours". Or the publishers...."Write a synopsis according to the guidelines please!" Or my stomach....."I need something to eat!" Each and every one of these needs effort. Yet, to lie down and think of nothing at all is the hardest thing ever. To empty the mind, to relax totally the body, that is pressure! I will try.
Maybe my next a few weeks, will be wonderfully calming and will reveal how I did empty my mind...Interesting to see what pops up after the emptying.
Any comments on how and why and what, with reference to meditation, is most welcome.
Ah, happy days.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Time is of the essence
TIME, that wonderfully weird thing that seems always to confuse. Many say that as they grow older time moves faster. In the case of us mortals, living in contemporary times on planet earth, this simply cannot be true. Physicists give us theories about time and space and Relativity and it all tries to compel us to understand the science of it. And yet, how is it that the ten minutes I spend curled up under my sheets on a cool winter morning seems to go much faster than when I am standing inline fore a mere three minutes and growing more agitated by the second? Is it really passing me if I am seemingly waiting for time to pass quickly, while it slows down when I wish it to? Surely not. Is it mind over matter? Or in the case of sleeping in, body over mind?
When someone is involved in an accident they tell of how they feel as if they and everything around them is moving in slow motion, reinforcing the notion that time can slow down. Yet, for passersby watching the accident, it is all over in a flash, a tragic few seconds in time and space.
I am still bewildered as to how I cannot find the time to write this Blog more frequently and how no one has the time,( or energy, or desire) to respond to it? Time spent on one thing means it is not spent on another. So it is all about choice?
I will sleep in tomorrow and think more on this subject.
Sunday, 12 May 2019
Those three words are from a great song from a few decades ago but they are still relevant to a few of us today when it comes to technology. The changes Google informs as having made mean absolutely nothing to me. It's all in the language of course and new languages can be difficult to learn.
I was reminded of this recently after visiting a couple of refugees to assist in teaching them English. They are enthusiastic and try really hard to learn the correct use of the language. Yet here am I, a native English speaker, not able to fully comprehend what technology giants are telling me is changing in their applications and/or software. My English speaking passenger laughed a little at my frustration about this but then made the announcement "It's ok left, so go right." Such a simple statement which most of us would immediately understand but from the point of view of a person whose English is the second, third or fourth language, how bewildering would that command be?
We are all prone to misunderstandings and more so with the advent of texting. Somehow the subtlety and depth of meaning is rarely transmitted in the brief messages sent via such technologically advanced portals. Even emails often lose the ideas and feeling behind a sentence. Worse they are often misunderstood. Maybe humans will never return to 'live' letter writing and sadly 'face to face' conversations seem to be growing less in time taken and subject matters discussed but I hope I am wrong.
Long may the word reign, whether in print form, in verbal communication or via the various forms of technology. This is, after all, what makes us human.
I was reminded of this recently after visiting a couple of refugees to assist in teaching them English. They are enthusiastic and try really hard to learn the correct use of the language. Yet here am I, a native English speaker, not able to fully comprehend what technology giants are telling me is changing in their applications and/or software. My English speaking passenger laughed a little at my frustration about this but then made the announcement "It's ok left, so go right." Such a simple statement which most of us would immediately understand but from the point of view of a person whose English is the second, third or fourth language, how bewildering would that command be?
We are all prone to misunderstandings and more so with the advent of texting. Somehow the subtlety and depth of meaning is rarely transmitted in the brief messages sent via such technologically advanced portals. Even emails often lose the ideas and feeling behind a sentence. Worse they are often misunderstood. Maybe humans will never return to 'live' letter writing and sadly 'face to face' conversations seem to be growing less in time taken and subject matters discussed but I hope I am wrong.
Long may the word reign, whether in print form, in verbal communication or via the various forms of technology. This is, after all, what makes us human.
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Friends, lend me your ears.
Lend me yur ears. What an amazing use of langaue. Understood by all who speak the same language but imagine trying t comprehend this if Enlgish is s language you are
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Having recently read yet another change by Google and not understanding what I am to do with the new information I will carry on as normal. Ignorance can be bliss...well, it is by passing the need to spend hours filtering information and links I guess. I do not feel the need to bust up my mind by trying to comprehend yet another rule change.
It is something to do with buttons this time...Well, be it buttons, or keys, or keyboards or changes or implications or whatever, I trust to anyone who follows these brief blogs of mine to discover what they are supposed to do if they wish to push a button and comment! Or whatever. What's in a word. Technology means that a rose by any other name is not necessarily a rose. That is what I loathe most about technology. It can change totally the meaning and even the concept of a word. Where I was bought up, a spade was a spade and if it was given any other name it remained a spade. It was up to the individual if they used the spade to dig with, to hammer posts in, to hit someone over the head with, or whatever. It still remained irrevocably and infinitely, a spade. Along with technology has come people who use it to change words and to spin what is a downright lie. In many such situations though the word lie seems to be bypassed by all as a permissable description of what is being said. As if to use it means being spun off to the next High Court for daring to suggest a lie is being promoted as truth. To do so seems to be too hard. Terms such as fake news, half truths, made up stories, misguided words, reconstructed facts, are all different words to cover what they are, a lie.
So what does all this mean? It means, I am lost for words when it comes to the way this form of technology, that is, social media, has brought about a world in which anyone, be it an individual, or a corporation, or a government, can tell a lie and for the most part can get away with it not being pronounced as a lie.
Do you believe what I am saying? Is it the truth, half truth, fake or a lie? If you know me personally, then maybe you know the truth but if not, you could bust a gut trying to fathom it out. More likely though, as with the vast majority of people, you will not bother. Life is far too short. That is what the people who use technology to spread a lie reply upon. It is all too much bother. Hmm. Food for thought.
Ah, happy days when a spade as a spade and a lie was a lie.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
A million dollars?
Another month flown by.
Oh, how the time flies. If I had a dollar for every time I've said that in my life I am sure I would now have one million of them at least. But it is true. So many things to do in and with, life that sometimes we pass over what is not so urgent or demanding for the more trivial. Not that pruning a fruit tree is trivial or connecting with friends is trivial yet somehow this only serves to delay the things that are most important to our inner self. There lies the difference. Daily life demands us to start and complete the outer things, the concrete things that make life comfortable or survivable, the physical things that reveal a result fairly quickly and so make us feel satisfied. Yet, it is our inner needs, the ones we neglect far too often, that sustains as as human beings. Creativity, whether forming words to create a story, or using oils to paint a picture, or whatever form it takes, supplies the inner energy and balance we all certainly need. This is what gives the balance to the trinity: body, mind and soul, whatever you understand from the word, soul.
Often it is good to sit down and contemplate on what is truly important and how to spread the balance around. Is cleaning my house, eating breakfast, hanging out washing, necessary? Of course it can be and yet the impulse to write burns within me so strongly that i have to do it. And yet, this is what I do after I have finished the physically demanding jobs around the house and garden, when I consider I have the time to invest in what is not a well paid job but an instinctive desire to share stories.
Ah,if only I had the million dollars to spare. Would I pay someone to do the trivial stuff and just sit and write? Who can tell. Maybe I have brainwashed myself for to long to change now.

Perhaps the idea of a writer,or artist,living in an ivory tower,separate form the rest of humanity is the only way to go!
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